Creating a FAB 3

Developing Features, Accomplishments, and Benefits (FAB).

14 Questions To Ask When Making a FAB.

  1. Did you help to increase sales, productivity, efficiency, etc.? Specifically, what was the dollar or percentage contribution? How did you do this? Did you have a unique approach or different results from others?
    • Specific dollar amounts are the strongest evidence that you can offer. Use percentages only when the actual dollar amounts would be less meaningful versus the actual percentage.
  2. Did you save money for the company? How much did you actually save the company? What were the circumstances? How much more ($, %) than others? How were your results compared to others?
  3. Did you institute any new systems, procedures or changes? Why? What was the situation that led to the change? Who approved? Why was this system selected over others? Did it compete with others? What happened as a result from your action? Has it been adopted anywhere else in the company? Where?
  4. Did you identify any problem that had been overlooked? What was the problem? What was the solution? Why was it overlooked?
    • Answering this question proves that you have the capacity to delve deeper than the next person.
  5. Were you ever promoted? Why were you promoted? How long between promotions? Did you do something outstanding to earn your promotion? How much more responsibility did you have? Did you get to manage people? How many? Were you given significant salary increases or raises? What were the circumstances? Were you ever promoted by more than one party in the company??
    • Being promoted several times by different parties within a company provides strong evidence that you have the potential for growth and advancement and that you can work well with others in management. A prospective employer wants and needs to know this.
  6. Did you ever train anyone? Did you develop or help develop any training programs? Describe them. Compare your results to others. Is your program being used by anyone else in the organization? Industry? Why is that? What has happened as a result your training?
    • It is a well-known fact that executives don’t get promoted until they have trained their replacement. Make sure to let it be known to the potential employer.
  7. Did you suggest any new programs? Describe the program? What were the results? Did they increase efficiency or sales? Were they published or presented at any industry seminars, conventions, and industry magazines or trade journals?
  8. Did you help to establish any new goals, ideas or objectives for your company? Did you convince management that they should adopt these goals or objectives? How did you arrive at your unique goal, idea or objective? Why were they adopted? What did it result in?
  9. Did you change the nature or scope of your job? Why or how did you redefine your position? Have others with similar roles redefined their positions because of you? Were there responsibility changes because of this? What were they?
  10. Did you ever undertake a project that was not part of your responsibility because you liked or were intrigued by the problem?
    • This is proof that you not only have the ability to take initiative, you also are totally involved in your work.
  11. Did you ever do anything to lighten your workload or make your job easier?
    • This shows an employer that you are interested in increasing profits, reducing costs, or increasing volume. Prospective employers are always interested people with this kind of initiative. Especially when it leads to positive results.
  12. What special problems were you hired for or brought in to solve? What did you do? How did you analyze the situation? What were your proposed solutions? What were the results?
  13. Show any areas where you were creative. What were they? What did they result in?
    • i.e., solutions, products, innovations, applications, markets, accounts, etc.
  14. What would you say would be the most important qualities for the position you seek? Put yourself in the shoes of your prospective boss. Describe six qualities or characteristics and look for examples you have for each of them. Look for how you match up to each of these qualities or characteristics. How do you stack up?

These illustrations prove to the employer that you have what it takes to do what they are looking for to do the job.


Employers don’t hire people,

they hire BENEFITS!

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