Developing Features, Accomplishments, and Benefits (FAB).
How do we make a FAB?
- Make several copies of the blank FAB worksheet.
- Block out 2 to 3 hours of uninterrupted time to complete your FAB. The time that you invest in preparing your FAB presentation will help me in marketing you to prospective employers and in finding the right career opportunity for you.
- Analyze yourself and what you have done in your career. Single out FEATURES that make up your education, years and types of experience, patents and licenses obtained, awards won, special seminars and unique life experience.
- Prepare a personal career timeline. List all positions; no matter how small, include any and all promotions. List all significant ACCOMPLISHMENTS for each position. If possible try to quantify them with specific accomplishments. Numbers talk. Review them and identify what how you can BENEFIT the new employer because of your past experience or training. Pick the most compelling reason someone should hire you over someone else. Ask yourself just what you can do for a new employer.
- Fill out and assemble the information on the FAB worksheet. List these FEATURES and the ACCOMPLISHMENTS for each feature. Next, show BENEFITS as result of the Features and Accomplishments. Try to get as many as possible. There may only be one benefit for multiple accomplishments.
- Go over your FAB presentation again. Have you forgotten anything? Are there any more accomplishments or benefits that you overlooked? Is there anything else that you can quantify? Can you rephrase a benefit so that you will look more attractive to an employer? Remember; don’t be afraid to blow your horn, but be truthful.
Get a copy of the FAB Worksheet for development.