By establishing a rapport with your interviewer, you build “common ground” between the both of you. It is important to listen and be sensitive to the interviewer’s style. This can make communication easier and the whole interview more comfortable.
Listen closely to the interviewer for cues on how you should act. Is he being formal or informal? How loudly is he speaking? What sort of information is he trying to solicit: general, professional, or personal? Once you’ve determined where the interviewer is ‘coming from,’ you can follow his or her lead.
Try to speak with the same rhythm and tone of voice. Make some friendly observations about your surroundings. If the interview is conversational, make small talk about your interests, hobbies, or what you did last weekend. Be positive and upbeat. All of these will help both of you relax and establish a connection.
It’s important to appear open and friendly as well. Give the interviewer a firm handshake if he offers it, and remember to smile. Make sure you look attentive, with good posture and consistent eye-contact.